Our school offers a bilingual environment in total immersion. Both languages (French / English) are used with the children on a daily basis. The educators address the children in their mother tongue and introduce them gradually to the culture of their own country. Children discover and practice the second language at their own pace throughout their schooling.

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The Toddler Community welcomes a maximum of 12 infants, in order to give each child the attention necessary for their well-being and to guide them towards autonomy. This class is a place adapted to the essential needs of the younger children.

Children discover the beginnings of community life, sharing and understanding the world around them. 

Under the supervision of trained and experienced adults, the material proposed is adapted to their age.

  • Language acquisition

This is a fundamental period in theacquisition of language the development of which we promote through different types of materials: images, objects, books, rhymes, songs, language games. The language material evolves throughout the year following the development of the child and meeting his needs.

  • Movement and coordination

Children take part in motor skills exercises every day in order to become aware of their body and refine their psychomotor skills..

  • Practical life

The practical life material allows children to handle everyday objects to better understand the world around them.

This material promotes the development of fine motor skills and concentration.

  • Sensorial material

The manipulation of sensorial materialpromotes the learning of shape, colour, size, pairing, through sensorial experiences.



The Children's House welcomes 22 children, to give each child the attention he needs and to develop the taste for learning, l’independence and self-confidencewhilst at the same time incorporating the rules of community life.

The children are of mixed ages in the 3 to 6 year-old class, which promotes emulation and mutual aid. 

  • The practical life material

The practical life material allows children to perform daily life tasks, from the simplest to the most complex, performing one to several successive actions.

 These actions contribute to the development of concentration, organisation and order, motor skills, self-confidence and autonomy.

  • Sensorial material

Sensorial material allows children to build their intelligence through the refinement of the senses.

The child will be able to refine and order his perceptions of the outside world (size, weight, smell, taste, shape, colour…), through the 5 senses.

The child will also discover geography, flora, fauna, music and art.

  • Language

Le matériel de langage permet aux enfants de faire exploser leurs capacités à écrire et à lire dès l’âge de 4 ans.

The children first explore sounds, then letters and language using sensorial material, which leads them to writing and reading.

  • Mathematics

The mathematics material provides children with a sensorial approach to mathematics.

Dans un premier temps, l’enfant travaille de manière concrète en manipulant des perles et autres matériels sensoriels, pour tendre vers l’abstraction.

Il pourra appréhender les différents types d’opérations selon le rythme qui lui conviendra.

All the material used in our classrooms is designed to meet children’s needs, thus promoting greater autonomy.

This material is Montessori approved and is adapted to the development of the child.

The majority of Montessori materials contain an “error control”, which allows children to work independently, without the intervention or judgment of others.

Children develop, learn and share, in an atmosphere of respect and attention for each one.

In a few words


"Help me to do it by myself”
Doctor, founder of Montessori pedagogy


A beautiful nap room for afternoon rest.

La salle de sieste se transforme en salle de yoga tous les vendredis matin, en salle de motricité, et en salle de jeux les jours de pluie.

salle de sieste
jardin potager


Every week, the children take care of their vegetable garden in small groups.

The vegetable garden gives children the opportunity to observe nature, to learn to respect and better understand it.

Composting, planting, observing, harvesting, tasting brings joy and satisfaction to children, whilst making them aware of the ecosystem. 

This garden is also used by the younger children for motor skills courses and play time on certain days.


complementary teachings

Yoga: every Friday morning, Josée comes to give yoga sessions in small groups. All children participate, even the youngest.

Sport: once a week, the older children (4 and 5 years old) have a sport session in the park.

Motor skills: several times a week, the younger children (2 and 3 years old) participate in motor skills sessions, indoors or in the garden.

Art: art workshops take place once a week once a week, as soon as children are old enough to actively participate.

Show and Tell : once every school period, each child introduces an object brought from home, to his classmates. We learn to speak in a group.

Cooking : chaque semaine, 2 enfants font le pain; et des ateliers de cuisine ont lieu tout au long de l’année.

Forest school : une fois par semaine, les enfants partent en école dehors. C’est l’occasion pour les enfants d’enrichir leurs apprentissages en connexion avec la nature. 

In a few words


"The real duty of the teacher is to guide, not to judge"
Doctor, founder of Montessori pedagogy

The Bilingual Montessori Nursery School in Boulogne is an independent private school.